
Events / Conference

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023

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Nov 6, 2023 - Nov 9, 2023
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Chicago, Illinois
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9:00 AM CT
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About the event

Join us at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 for The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference that gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities!

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Prasad Dorbala
Prasad Dorbala Co-Founder & CPO
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Raj Nair
Raj Nair Co-Founder & CEO
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Olyvia Rakshit
Olyvia Rakshit VP of Marketing & Product UX
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Bruce Lampert
Bruce Lampert Sr. VP of BD & Partnerships
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Experience Event
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Join us at booth #O32

Swing by booth #O32 at KubeCon CloudNativeCon and learn how Avesha can simplify your Kubernetes operations with seamless Kubernetes networking and intelligent autoscaling. See in real time with a hands on demo from one of our experts how our technologies can enhance your digital evolution.

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Chat with one of our team members and see how you can be entered to win a Yeti backpack!

Introducing KubeSlice

KubeSlice world’s first ”Service Connectivity Fabric” for Kubernetes. It creates virtual “stretched” clusters that connect pods across distributed cloud environments, simplifying Kubernetes environments for multi-cluster and multi-cloud.

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More Events & Webinars

Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) Pune

Kickstart Your Open Source Journey: Livestream

Docker, Cloud Native Community, and Avesha Pune Meetup


Sign Up for a demo

Experience seamless Kubernetes networking and intelligent autoscaling with our hands-on demo.