
Efficient Kubernetes Cost Tracking for Every Team

Simplify multi-cluster resource management and empower teams with clear cost insights

Integrations for KubeTally

Enterprise Ready

The Competitive Advantage for your FinOps Team

Take a look at the comparative analysis of Kubeslice.
Accurately attribute resource usage across clusters to ensure fair and transparent chargeback practices.


cost reduction with better tracking

Ability to track costs for dedicated nodes within shared infratructure

Designed by experts in AI, Kubernetes, security, platform engineering, Devops

Track, manage, and optimize Kubernetes resources to achieve accurate cost attribution for every team.

A leading healthcare company uses KubeTally to manage costs in their multi-cluster teams, especially where shared infrastructure includes dedicated nodes

Empower FinOps teams with accurate cost tracking and optimized Kubernetes resource utilization.


Clouds supported


Microservices included for Chargeback

$ Millions Saved

Hours Saved and Cost Benefits on Tracking Exact Costs by Teams

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If you relate to the problems we solve and are interested in KubeTally