
Smart Traffic Director

Load Balancing Reinvented: Make your infrastructure Autonomous
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Smart Traffic Director

Load Balancing Reinvented: Make your infrastructure Autonomous
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What the Smart Global Load Balancer solves for you?
Avesha Smart Load Balancer can be trained to react to changes in server and network state and take actions to schedule requests for server resources in order to optimize the utilization.
smart application infrastructure
Optimized Resource Utilization
Smart GLB uses Reinforcement Learning for intelligent request assignment, preventing resource waste and promoting efficient server utilization over traditional load balancing.
hybrid multi cloud enablement
Autonomous Adjustment
Smart GLB autonomously adjusts to server and network changes, efficiently managing dynamic workloads and eliminating the need for manual tuning.
edge enablement
Improved Response to Workload Variability
Smart GLB accounts for request duration, overcoming traditional load balancing inefficiencies in mixed workloads, preventing server overload and under-utilization.
high availability
Reduced Latency
Smart GLB autonomously assigns latency-sensitive requests to suitable servers, enhancing performance and user experience by considering request type and server latencies.
Avesha Smart Global Load Balancer Architecture
Avesha Smart Global Load Balancer uses several data points such as service dependency maps, service loading data, bandwidth, and latency metrics to optimize path selection with RL.
Avesha Smart Global Load Balancer Architecture
How to create a Smart Global Load Balancer?
Here are the steps on how to enable Avesha Smart Load Balancer for intelligent path selection for service to service communication across a cluster and optimize and rightsize resource utilization of POD in a cluster.
Discover service endpoint across cluster / Multi-cloud and within a cluster. Configure telemetry servers or your favorite Application Performace tool (creds) in the Avesha portal. Avesha system provides you with required data sets to be enabled.
Identify optimization objectives: Latency, bandwidth, cost, QoE, etc.
Define tuning periodicity based on endpoints and WAN links for services and edge.
Identify/configure your GitOps tools in the Avesha portal and visualize impact in KubeSlice metrics visualization.
Discover service endpoint across cluster / Multi-cloud and within a cluster. Configure telemetry servers or your favorite Application Performace tool (creds) in the Avesha portal. Avesha system provides you with required data sets to be enabled.
Identify optimization objectives: Latency, bandwidth, cost, QoE, etc.
Define tuning periodicity based on endpoints and WAN links for services and edge.
Identify/configure your GitOps tools in the Avesha portal and visualize impact in KubeSlice metrics visualization.
Cloud image
Cloud image
Cloud image
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Star image
How to create a Smart Global Load Balancer?
Here are the steps on how to enable Avesha Smart Load Balancer for intelligent path selection for service to service communication across a cluster and optimize and rightsize resource utilization of POD in a cluster.
Discover service endpoint across cluster / Multi-cloud and within a cluster. Configure telemetry servers or your favorite Application Performace tool (creds) in the Avesha portal. Avesha system provides you with required data sets to be enabled.
Identify optimization objectives: Latency, bandwidth, cost, QoE, etc.
Define tuning periodicity based on endpoints and WAN links for services and edge.
Identify/configure your GitOps tools in the Avesha portal and visualize impact in KubeSlice metrics visualization.
Discover service endpoint across cluster / Multi-cloud and within a cluster. Configure telemetry servers or your favorite Application Performace tool (creds) in the Avesha portal. Avesha system provides you with required data sets to be enabled.
Identify optimization objectives: Latency, bandwidth, cost, QoE, etc.
Define tuning periodicity based on endpoints and WAN links for services and edge.
Identify/configure your GitOps tools in the Avesha portal and visualize impact in KubeSlice metrics visualization.
Learn about our other products

Avesha KubeSlice consists of other products that enable automation, easy interconnectivity across a wide area network, and adaptive & autonomous configuration of the network based on the application's needs.



KubeSlice is a platform that offers an easy and rapid way to isolate and segment your applications within and across K8s clusters. Improve your team's velocity by putting applications on KubeSlices!
 KubeSlice Manager (UI)

KubeSlice Manager (UI)

KubeSlice Manager (UI) is a user-friendly self-service application deployment portal to help customers manage resource consumption, access controls, network policies and monitor latencies across clusters & clouds from one interface.