Avesha’s KubeSlice helps achieve the best in cloud optimization through a split-stack across clusters
FinOps Ecosystem & Benefits
A survey by Gartner says that as high as 95% of business and IT leaders say that cloud billing is the most confusing part of public cloud adoption.
According to data from FinOps.org
23% of organizations are Public Cloud first but still hybrid with data center
16% of organizations are Public Cloud first but with on-prem VPC
15% all in Public Cloud
Teams need to collaborate towards a shared FinOps goal. There needs to be platform available to teams that provides the visibility and cost optimization based on efficient workload placement taking advantage of the variable cloud cost model.
FinOps with KubeSlice
KubeSlice enables efficient cloud management costs by placing compute and storage workloads in the right cloud or on prem infrastructure based on policies and application needs in real time. The cloud usage is efficiently optimized by providing a framework for efficient resource allocation.
Supporting FinOps with KubeSlice
Avesha’s KubeSlice enables strong FinOps culture by supporting Split Stacks across clusters. It enables applications to share data and communicate across clusters by without the need for having duplicated stacks deployed in each cluster.
KubeSlice offers intelligent workload placement based on continually optimizable infrastructure parameters that can be updated using AI & RL
The intelligent workload placements enables the applications to operate on the right cloud or data center based on the best optimum costs available at that time.
How does it work?
Avesha KubeSlice creates provides the ability to use a split-stack architecture to effectively move specific microservices to different clusters based on the properties of that infrastructure location.