Prianna Sharan
23 November, 2022,
4 min read
Introducing Sandbox: The pre-packaged playground for KubeSlice. Experience the universal secure connectivity and rapid and easy networking via the sandbox environment. Don’t worry about infrastructure requirements or prerequisites – we’ve got you covered. Built so everybody can play with KubeSlice. Register here:
KubeSlice creates a “virtual” flat and secure network over existing infrastructure for applications. Why do you need such a layer? To reduce the complexity of getting distributed workloads to communicate across Kubernetes clusters and creating an unified trusted domain, To reduce the time taken to deploy distributed workloads. To make pod-to-pod networking more secure by segmenting clusters to form trusted domains via isolation. But don’t take our word for it, try it out yourself in the sandbox. This article takes you through the creation and deployment of an application using KubeSlice. The concept of a distributed or multi-region, multi-cloud, multi-cluster pod-to-pod network is integral to understanding the benefits of KubeSlice.
Register with your credentials, in our Avesha portal. You will receive an email with a .pem key file that is your gateway into the playground. This key will be valid for 4 hours, during which you have limitless freedom and experimentation within the Sandbox. Download this file.
Run the following commands in your local command line to establish connectivity to the Sandbox.
chmod 400 ~/ kubeslice-key.pem
ssh -i ~/ kubeslice-playground-key.pem ubuntu@
Expected result:
< Welcome to Ubuntu message >
You’ve now entered the playground.
The playground comes with these components preinstalled
Now it’s time to set up the infrastructure in order to interact with the slice. The CLI full demo will install all the necessary clusters for you, and deploy the application on the slice. Run the below command to do so.
kubeslice-cli install –profile=full-demo
As the installation runs, a lot of things are occurring. Let’s break it down. This command does the following:
One of the core tenets of KubeSlice is the simplicity of inter-cluster communication. Pods in different clusters can send data directly to each other without the need for an intermediary or IP address translation or configuration. This is where the “multi-region, multi-cloud, multi-cluster pod-to-pod network” truly shines.
The iPerf application is constantly sending kilobytes of data between its front end and back end clusters. These are the clusters we just set up. The slice is all that’s needed to establish the communication between these clusters – no more hours spent IP address planning. Here’s how you can simulate and experiment with two clusters communicating on a slice. To verify the iPerf connectivity, use the following command:
/usr/local/bin/kubectl --context=kind-ks-w-2 --kubeconfig=kubeslice/kubeconfig.yaml
exec -it deploy/iperf-sleep -c iperf -n iperf -- iperf -c iperf-server.iperf.svc.slice.local -p
5201 -i 1 -b 10Mb;
This will return a log of the bytes of information that have passed through the server between the two clusters. Expected Output:
Client connecting to iperf-server.iperf.svc.slice.local, TCP port 5201
TCP window size: 45.0 KByte (default)
[ 1] local port 49188 connected with port 5201
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 1] 0.00-1.00 sec 640 KBytes 5.24 Mbits/sec
[ 1] 1.00-2.00 sec 512 KBytes 4.19 Mbits/sec
[ 1] 2.00-3.00 sec 512 KBytes 4.19 Mbits/sec
[ 1] 3.00-4.00 sec 640 KBytes 5.24 Mbits/sec
[ 1] 4.00-5.00 sec 512 KBytes 4.19 Mbits/sec
[ 1] 5.00-6.00 sec 640 KBytes 5.24 Mbits/sec]
You just set up three clusters on the slice, and deployed an application across them, in under five minutes. These clusters are connected without the complexity of intermediary services or communication via IP. Now you have another ~4 hours to play with KubeSlice as much as you want – after you’re done, join our slack channel to learn more about how KubeSlice can simplify application deployments.
Building Distributed MongoDB Deployments Across Multi-Cluster/Multi-Cloud Environments with KubeSlice